Guess the Movie: Week of August
14, 2016
The Movie is limited to 5 guesses per person. Choose your guesses carefully, and have
There were fifteen winners last week! The correct answer was... Madame Butterfly (1932).
Congratulations to the following for guessing last
week's GTM correctly:
(in order of correct guess)
Colleen, MNSue, ID Kristy, WA Mary Ann, CA Nancy, TX Annecy, Philippines Jan, AZ Lucy, UK Natalie, Switzerland Denise, Portugal LeeAnn, TN Rebecca, CT
Rhonda, IL Dorothy, Scotland Bernadette, FL
Thanks to everyone who sent in their guesses!
Click here to view Guess the Movie's overall high scorers!
To the right of last week's GTM, click to see a slightly longer clip of it "in context",
with sound (and sometimes color) added back in.
Click below to watch a video reviewing all 2015 Guess the Movie clips,
and celebrating the year's winners and participants.